EN Codes of conduct
The England Netball ‘Codes of Conduct’ have common standards which apply to all involved in netball, and some specific to the role being carried out, e.g. athletes, official, coach, committee members and parent/carer.
All Members are required to abide by these Codes. In addition, clubs should ensure that the Codes are well known and promoted, so that there is a culture of respect and a discrimination free environment for all to enjoy the sport
The full document is available on the England Netball ENjoy, ENsure, ENtrust website page and is called the England Netball ‘Codes of Conduct’.
Should any behaviour fall below the standards set in these Codes of Conduct, they will be handled under the England Netball ‘Disciplinary Regulations’ and/or the ‘Safeguarding Disciplinary Regulations’.
All Members are required to abide by these Codes. In addition, clubs should ensure that the Codes are well known and promoted, so that there is a culture of respect and a discrimination free environment for all to enjoy the sport
The full document is available on the England Netball ENjoy, ENsure, ENtrust website page and is called the England Netball ‘Codes of Conduct’.
Should any behaviour fall below the standards set in these Codes of Conduct, they will be handled under the England Netball ‘Disciplinary Regulations’ and/or the ‘Safeguarding Disciplinary Regulations’.